Star Litho, Inc. is a full-service offset and digital printing company specializing in the quick and cost-effective production of high-quality printed materials. We also offer comprehensive in-house mailing services. Our goal is to provide our customers with the ultimate print production experience:
Excellent customer service
Quick and timely estimates
Short turn-around times (2 business days or less on most print jobs)
Extremely competitive prices
Star Litho has made a commitment to providing a high-quality product. We employ only the most experienced pressmen in the business. Their technical knowledge and expertise ensures that every piece we print comes off the presses looking its best. In addition, our digital offset, printing and bindery equipment is highly advanced and efficient, allowing us to produce top-quality print collateral quickly and cost-effectively.
Star Litho understands value. As a result of our commitment to excellence, we have enjoyed outstanding loyalty from our customers. Star Litho is able to offer its customers quality print services because of its reliance on superior paper stock and supplies and on the best printing equipment available. This means that the process is quick and efficient while providing a savings to our customers. This has resulted in a steady growth of our client base.